Please note: This product requires the customer to purchase 91% Isopropyl Alcohol . When applying/mixing the product please remember that it is flammable. Please only use 91%. Once dry it is no longer flammable.
Carefully remove the lid from the bottle
Using the provided 10 mL syringe carefully put the appropriate amount of alcohol in the bottle
Replace cap on bottle making sure it's tightly closed
Shake violently to mix. The final product will have a slight red hue to it
Always shake bottle before application to ensure it is complexly mixed
Application to item being engraved. Two critical items for success. 1.) A clean surface and 2.) Even coating applied to the surface. BX-Burn has been tested on several types of steel and stainless, machined, polished and mat finished. BX-Burn does not work with dirty or rusty surfaces
Clean the surface to be engraved using the Isopropyl alcohol. Wipe surface to ensure clean
Using a brush paint the surface to the area to be engraved. Using long strokes seem to work the best.
Allow to dry, this will take a few minutes depending on temperature and humidity. The surface when drying will go from glossy to a flat mat look.
Carefully pick up the item to be engraved and place in the engraver. Please note not to touch the area to be engraved, this coating in it's dry state is a tightly bonded powder that can be easily brushed off.
Take the engraved item and wash it off with water and dry.
BX-Burn can be easily cleaned up with soap and water